Kali ini, sebuah software HTML Editor. Ada 2 buah software yang ditampilkan, yaitu:
It features tabbed documents, tag colorization, 18 helpers (including JavaScript, Image Map Helper, etc), MDI (multi-document-interface), built-in browser, has a customizable environment, it can export to RTF, TXT or PDF, import from RTF or TXT, it can also check the download time of a page or number of pages, good Helpfile, and more.
Stone’s WebWriter
It features tag highlighting, templates; image viewer; search & replace; frames wizard; forms wizard; ImageMap editor; JavaScript editor; StyleSheet editor; code completion; project management; site map; and more.
This HTML editor packs a lot of features into one small package. You can open multiple documents at the same time by highlighting them in the file manager and then pressing the Enter key. The Extended Search & Replace allows you to work with all open documents or with all HTML documents in a specified folder. Neat.
Registration Stone's WebWriter must be registered. See prices and registration form. Stone's WebWriter can be registered for free if it is used in your home only to make your own personal and non-commercial homepage. Please notice and respect, that no support can be offered with free registration.
Lihat tutorial lainnya di Azzahrah Design
7 komentar:
thanks for the info.
hy.. thanks for information...
this is easy.. only download and... i getting.. :)
kunjungi ya.. www.tipsblogspot.blogspot.com dan klo mw kita tukrn link.. thanks..
@ano. Thx
@jefry. U're welcome. Sekedar bagi2 info aja. Apalagi yang gratisan :D
utk tambahan koleksi program gratisan silahkan ke blog saya :D http://free-bestsoftware.blogspot.com/ bagi yang pingin tukaran link, kontak saya di yahoo msgr dengan ID : r10n3r makasih...:)
Assalamu'alaikum Mba'
Salam sukses selalu bisnis online nya .
Oh ya, mba tahu gimana caranya agar template kita yang di download sama orang lain bisa berisi kode google adsense kita, kan banyak yg pake trik spt itu, termasuk di template blogger saya itu sdh ada kode adsense si pembuat template. saya tertarik untuk membuat blogger template yang ssya pasang kode google adsensenya.
Terima kasih atas bantuannya.
mbak rini yang baik, aku baruuuu aja belajar ngeblog, tolong ajarin ERQY nge blog step by step donk....
dah ampir mati kutu nih..........
ajarin ya.....
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