Download : kaba.txt
Size : 11 kb
Info : Merupakan skin pertama. Skin ini bertemakan kebesaran Allah SWT melalui rumah-Nya atau disebut Baitullah, Ka'bah.
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Download : kaba.txt
Size : 11 kb
Info : Merupakan skin pertama. Skin ini bertemakan kebesaran Allah SWT melalui rumah-Nya atau disebut Baitullah, Ka'bah.
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Copyright © 2008 - Free Islamic Blogger Templates - powered by Blogger
33 komentar:
bagus tapi belum ada sourcenya.
ditunggu updatenya
k rini bagus banget.. buat sendiri? buatin ama mau gak? hehehe.. gak pungut biaya kan.. lagi males ganti2 skin sih..
ck ck ck
apa gak pusing ya bikin html rumit kyk gitu...
aku ngeliat rumusnya aja udah pening2...
salut dech...! buat isah.
subhanllah punya kepintaran tuk berdakwah,ana salut ma anti...........boleh kenalan?
akhukum fillah
Ass. Ukhtii.. Bagus...Was.
makasih ya atas semangatnya.
Salam kenal buat yang belum kenal.
kak..ajarin aku donk..aku bingung kodenya itu yg mana + cara naronya.. mksih!!
Seru... masya Alloh. kalo boleh kenalan sama ukhti... boleh kan? Oiya, aku juga punya blog islami loh... tapi aku masih baru. cuman seru aja disuruh nulis-nulis. komentarin yah
ukhty salam kenal dari saya.
saya au mnta ijin make juga yach,,, coz ane baru buat blogs
mohon ijin untuk download free templatenya semoga menjadi amal sholih
jazakillah khairan katsiro
Assalammo Alaikum
I try to get your themplate into my blog.
But every time I try it's show like this
..Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup..
Can you help me? I really like the themplate with Baitullah picture. I try and try for 3 hours. Now I stop tring cause i got sick already.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Haleema
wa'alaykumussalam warrahmatullah.
Blogger have 2 types of template:
1. Classic
2. XML
This template is classic, that's means you can not put this code in XML template.
You can change your template type.
Asalammo Alaikum
Thanks for reply. How can I change my template type. Can You guide me? I am not an expert in IT.
Allah Hafiz.
Salam again Sister Rini,
Now I can change to classic template. I saw Indonesian words on the header (beside the baitullah picture) and template body. I don't know what is the meaning. If you don't mind, I would like to ask you few question,
1) It is possible to have picture without words on the header?
2) Can I have english words on template body?
Thank you so much for creating beautiful template. I am creating a Islamic blog. That's why I love this template.
Allah Hafiz.
asalamualaikum afwan apa boleh ana minta kode xml yang sudah diedit karena ana kesulitan meng editnya,alhamdulillah ana dah coba ber kali2 tapi masih gagal juga jazakillahukhoir
wa'alaykumussalam warrahmatullah.
Belum ada kode dalam bentuk XML.
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
kak aq blh mnt ijin make design template ini, kebetulan aq jg baru bwt blog nich???y maklum br blajar aja...makasih
terima kasih,tolong template 3 kolom ada basmallah nya
assalam, bagaimana crnya memasang template di blog sy, tq
kk tolong dong yang tipe XML nya di benerin soal'a kerapetan makasih...
its really heart touching.
mohon ijin untuk download free templatenya semoga menjadi amal sholih
jazakillah khairan katsiro
boleh tau nggak,. gimana sih cara buat template blogger sendiri??
soalnya masih pemula,.
hebat sangat
sudah di copy paste, tapi sudah 10 kali ga bisa2 kenapa yaaaaaaaaah
Assalamu'alaikum kak Rini. salam kenal dari ana.nama ana ami kak.salam kenal ya..
subhanallah kak, blog kakak kren. blh sharing2 ga?
law mau buat tema islami di blog gmn sih kak,ami agak pusing buatnya..
tlong bantuannya ya kak...
Wassalam ^^
Asalam Alakum to every one.
All those who want to know about UMRAH in Islam and those who want to share their experience about UMRAH, visit my blogg.
ko pas di copas ke html blog gak bisa ada tulisan
"Template Anda tidak dapat diparse karena tidak well-formed. Harap pastikan bahwa semua elemen XML ditutup dengan benar.
Pesan error XML: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup."
I enjoy reading through your article post, I wanted to write a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation All the best for all your blogging efforts. Appreciate the recommendation! Let me try it out. Keep working ,great job!
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